Türkiye Day Event in Budapest
The Türkiye Day event, organized by HEPA Türkiye, took place in Budapest. As part of the Türkiye Day activities, presentations were made for Hungarian companies, providing valuable insights into Turkiye and the Turkish market.
The event was attended by the Republic of Türkiye’s Ambassador, Mrs. Gülşen Karanis Ekşioğlu, Hungarian Deputy State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Trade Mrs. Katalin Bihari, and HEPA CEO Mr. Gabor Jenei, who highlighted the significance of the ties and shared history between the two countries and underscored the importance of unity. In addition to the informative presentations prepared by HEPA Regional Office staff, representatives from the Hungary Office of the Turkic States had a panel discussion on business opportunities in the Turkic States.
Throughout the event, updates on Türkiye’s economy, trends, and HEPA Regional Office services were shared, while documentaries on the success stories of Hungarian companies entering the Turkish market under the guidance of HEPA Türkiye were screened.
At the end of the event, one-on-one meetings took place between relevant partner companies and HEPA Regional Office representatives. Out of the 25 participating companies, 12 were included in HEPA Türkiye’s action plan as potential new partners for Türkiye.
Following the event, HEPA Türkiye received numerous letters of appreciation and positive feedback, emphasizing the value of the information shared and the event’s organizational success.